Tuesday, 18 November 2014

An Advice!

The grand old party of India has accepted defeat even before the battle has started. When even the local parties have published their manifestos and started off with their campaigns in pomp, Congress is yet to catch up the heat.
What has happened to Congress? Where is that spirit that even a child has before a competition? And this is no small competition where you’d get a one rupee toffee, but it’s election; it’s politics. And in politics the wind can change direction anytime, the tide will turn anytime but you need to at least have your sails on to adjust to it!
Congress has a lack of leadership, agreed but this is not about leadership. This is going beyond that and deep within. There is a general lack of spirit in Congress workers; a lack of faith in the cause, in fact Congress is right now lacking a cause. What it needs right now is a cause, an ideology to boast off. BJP has an idol, in the form of Modi, and Congress needs an ideology that could attract masses, that could get people believing, that could get people working.

Right now, Congress has neither the idol nor ideology. Unless it has at least one of them, preferably the latter, no amount of advertisements, no leader can bring the glorious past again for Congress.

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